Premier Debate is seeking a new Associate Editor for our website and social media content. Apply now!
Premier Debate is seeking a new Associate Editor for our website and social media content. The responsibilities of an associate editor include contacting community members to publish articles or other content on this site; assisting content creators with research and fact/source-checking; copy-editing content for grammatical or spelling errors; publicizing content on social media; and pitching ideas for new content. One associate editor need not fulfill all of these duties. Associate editors can also create their own content for publication on this site.
Applicants need to be high school graduates, preferably with experience coaching and judging high school LD debate. First year outs can apply. This is a great opportunity for someone interested in journalism, communication, or media, but no specific degree or course of study is required.
Pay will be determined by the scope of duties and experience of the applicant.
To apply, contact us with a brief statement of interest (why you want the job and would be a good fit) and your resume at info[at]