April 5, 2015

USC Finals (and Two Other Videos!)

More USC videos are on the way!
March 31, 2015

Expanding the Scope of Intuitions by Bob Overing

Bob discusses how we might use intuitions in LD theory debates.
March 31, 2015

At-Larges Released

The at larges have been released!
March 29, 2015

Debate for All – RVI

Concept Sometimes you’ll hear a suspicious-sounding word in Scrabble where you’re not quite sure if it’s a real word. You can initiate a “challenge,” which is […]
March 25, 2015

Akhil Gandra wins the Kandi King RR

The Kandi King RR will take place on March 27th and 28th in Houston.
March 19, 2015

Kalluri wins the Hockaday RR

The Hockaday Women’s Round Robin is held Saturday and Sunday, March 28-29
March 19, 2015

Three Quick Polls

Polls about the topic, the FYO rule, and future DFA articles.
March 18, 2015

Fairness in the Presidential Debates by Bob Overing

A group of prominent former public officials is challenging the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) to allow independent and third-party candidates to participate in the presidential […]
March 16, 2015

Coaches Poll Top 25 – March 15

Congratulations to 1) Peninsula AJ, 2) Del Mar VB, 3) Peninsula AT, 4) Harker PR, 5) Greenhill BE
March 13, 2015

Debate For All: Intro to Elim Strategy

Learn the basis of Elim strategy. When you should you flip? What side should you choose? When should you break new? Should you disclose which aff you'll read before the round?
March 12, 2015

RVI and the K by Connor Davis

In this piece, Connor argues for a defensive RVI on Kritiks.
March 11, 2015

Deadline Extended

Register now!