November 22, 2014

Live Results: Pranav Reddy wins The Glenbrooks

The 35th Edition of The Glenbrooks is underway.
November 21, 2014

Debate For All: Poll and Recap #1

In case you've missed any of our recent articles, we've recapped them here. Vote in the poll!
November 21, 2014

Debate For All: Framework Preparation

Framework Preparation Jargon Frontlines – These are pre-written responses against common objections to your case. Out – An out is just an argument you can leverage […]
November 21, 2014

Debate For All: Learning Philosophy

Learning Philosophy The path towards improving at framework debate is straightforward since millennia of philosophers have already done the heavy lifting. Reading a few of their […]
November 20, 2014

Weekend Preview + Scouting Report: The Glenbrooks

15 of the top 25 debaters; 40 bid list debaters; one Hunger Games of a debate tournament.
November 18, 2014

Wolf Pack Part 3: Nebraska

We thank Priya Kukreja for sitting down to talk about Nebraska debate.
November 15, 2014

Live Results: Newark AF and Bronx ID Co-Champion Bump

Finals Newark Science AF and Bronx Science ID co-champion Bump. Bracket Semis Newark Science AF def Sacred Heart AT on a 2-1 (*Hertzig, Curtis, Elisetty) Bronx Science ID […]
November 13, 2014

Debate For All: Being “Sick With the Lay”

by Lawrence Zhou. What does it mean to be sick with the lay? It means mastering the difficult concept of judge adaptation. It means making arguments […]
November 13, 2014

Util/Trutil with Tom Placido: RTBF in the US (Part 2)

Picking up where we left off, today’s installment of Util/Trutil will go over a few of the possible advantage areas offered by implementing the right to […]
November 12, 2014

Util/Trutil with Tom Placido: RTBF in the US (Part 1)

Welcome to Util/Trutil. We’re back this week after a one-week hiatus with a two-part special focusing on a plan that implements the right to be forgotten in the US. Today’s piece will discuss inherency and solvency questions. Tomorrow we’ll focus on advantage areas.
November 10, 2014

Debate For All: Tournament Procedure

Competitive tournaments are structured fairly similarly. This is a guide to that structure and the terminology used. 
November 7, 2014

Weekend Preview + Scouting Report: Damus Hollywood Invitational

Number of Entries – 63 Top 25 Debaters @ Hollywood: #2 Peninsula AT #14 Harvard-Westlake CC Bid List Debaters @ Hollywood: Peninsula AT – 2 Bids Harvard-Westlake CC […]