September 8, 2014

Wolf Pack Part 1: Team Utah

We're proud to begin a new series of articles called Wolf Pack. In it, we'll hear the stories of debaters and coaches from disadvantaged schools across the country.
September 5, 2014

Needless Extensions: Adam Tomasi

Some judges expect debaters to extend texts for theory interps, plans and counter-plans, and there are debaters who extend those same texts as a matter of principle. This practice wastes time and is unnecessary.
September 4, 2014

New PDT Staff Members

The Premier Debate Today team is proud to announce the addition of two new assistant editors: Adam Tomasi and Salim Damerdji.
September 2, 2014

Announcing: Free Briefs

Premier Debate is excited to announce free briefs for the September/October topic. Don't forget to like on Facebook, follow on Twitter, and check back here for updates!
August 31, 2014

Ethical Modesty Part 2: Chris Kymn Strategy Discussion

In this segment, TOC finalist Chris Kymn answers questions about how he deployed the strategy at TOC 2014.
August 31, 2014

Ethical Modesty Part 1 by Bob Overing and Adam Bistagne

This is an introduction to the argument on "epistemic modesty" or "maximizing expected value." Adam and Bob cover philosophical and theoretical justifications.
August 26, 2014

Full Strat Disclosure #2: Nathan Cha’s Fictionalism NC

This is the second edition of Full Strat Disclosure. The goal of this project is to provide a free place to discuss and learn strategy from some of the best. On this edition, Nathan Cha will discuss his fictionalism NC.
August 21, 2014

Full Strat Disclosure #1: Ryan Teehan’s Korsgaard Aff

Welcome to the first edition of Full Strat Disclosure. The goal of this project is to provide a free place to discuss and learn strategy from some of the best.
August 19, 2014

Loyola Invitational Open for Registration

We are excited to announce and extend invitation to the second annual Loyola Invitational to be held September 12-14th at Loyola High School. This year’s tournament will host a Varsity Lincoln-Douglas division and has been designated a semifinals-bid qualifier to the Tournament of Champions.
August 18, 2014

Approaching a New Topic: Q and A with Travis Chen

PDT interviews Travis Chen, a successful debater who is the reigning champion at VBT and ended his career in quarterfinals of the TOC. We ask what he thinks about starting casing on a new topic, and how debates differ at the first tournaments.
August 17, 2014

Voices Foundation Invitational Registration Opens

You are cordially invited to participate in the 3rd annual Voices Foundation Lincoln Douglas Debate Tournament, October 10-13, 2014.
August 17, 2014

Job Board Update #1

3 new coaching jobs available!