Epic sax Tom.
Why is Tom Placido wielding a saxophone, superimposed onto one of Bob Overing’s debate rounds, a Minneapolis train, and a nuclear blast? It’s actually quite simple: We love debate. Debate gave us critical thinking and research skills, the opportunity to see new cities and college campuses, and most importantly, life-long friendships. One of the best things about debate is its balance between seriousness and genuine fun. Whether you’re an independent debater from a small school or a sophomore from a big program, a lover of policy-style arguments or a philosophical wizard, everyone should take a moment to have some fun. It’s still summer – before all the stress of tournament prep, travel schedules, and delivering timed speeches, let’s have a laugh!
~ The Premier Team
Big thanks to Tom Placido, Nick Rogers, and Nicole VanderMeer for getting it all together. They were essential to seeing the project to fruition. On top of their lecturing and other duties at Premier 2015, they were able to craft a masterpiece.
And if you all want to see the original epic sax guy video, click here.
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